Smooth Sailing?

After practically a lifelong battle with anxiety, the last several years have been a really lovely hiatus from fear. I think mostly because I finally gave medication a try and although it wasn’t an easy decision nor an easy adjustment (re: side effects), I do think it’s worked wonders on my overall anxiety. I amContinue reading “Smooth Sailing?”

What I’m Struggling With Still

Sometimes I look at my life, almost like an outside observer would, and I am struck with how different it looks from life three years ago. Sure, I’ve had a baby since then, but that’s not the difference I’m referring to, although it definitely has changed things. Three years ago, I was at the sameContinue reading “What I’m Struggling With Still”

The Game Changer(s)

In the last 2-3 years my anxiety has improved tremendously. Anxiety and I, well, we’ve known each other for a long time. It’s been a life-long journey, with battles throughout, but the time period between 2011-2020 was probably the toughest for me. 2011-2013 were almost unbearable. Then, things improved, but I still really struggled. IContinue reading “The Game Changer(s)”

To Medicate or not to Medicate

People are opinionated. And I’ve found that many of them are not shy about sharing those opinions, even if they aren’t necessarily well informed on the subject. Mental health is not exempt from opinionated people. Specifically, mental health and medication seem to be a rather polarizing topic, one in which people feel strongly about onContinue reading “To Medicate or not to Medicate”

A story of Me and My Antidepressant

Folks, I’ve struggled with anxiety for years. And not just the mild, temporary, fleeting kind but the kind that makes you afraid to leave the house. The kind that makes you feel like you’re losing your mind, makes you nauseous, makes it nearly impossible to function and accomplish the most basic, normal, everyday tasks.  IContinue reading “A story of Me and My Antidepressant”